Sunday 26 October 2014

Will This Ever Stop?

Yesterday was my 4 month anniversary of starting this blog, that means that everyday for four months I have posted something on here, whether it be short or long, positive or negative, insightful or arbitrary, I have always had something to talk about. And sure sometimes I struggle to come up with something, in fact on several occassions I've made a post just for the sake of making a post without any real subject in mind. But then comes the question, how long will I do this for? When will I decide to stop producing posts for this blog? After all coming up with a different subject each day isn't always easy, isn't there going to come a day when I run out of subjects entirely? Well, not neccesarily, after all I made this blog so I could talk about literally everything, even though the majority of my posts are about the media in someway or another I'm not limited to that, if I wanted to talk about something serious then I could, or if I want to talk about something from my personal life or even something completely pointless with no connection to anything then I will, because I can. So even if I never run out of topics, will I ever stop doing the blog? Well, I started this thing on a whim, I thought to myself "Gee, what if I started a blog where I could talk about whatever the fuck I wanted?" So I did, I made a blog, I write on it everyday and if I ever want to stop doing this, then i'll stop, and if I ever want to return then i'll return. Of course if I do ever stop then I'll actually make an announcement, not that it matters, I really only write these for myself. So...yeah, here's hoping that I can keep this up for a very long time, or at least long enough for people to give a damn.


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