Tuesday 14 October 2014

Is Juno A Generation Thing?

Juno is a movie that a lot of people have some strong opinions on, a lot of people see it as a masterly written movie that captured the voice of a generation that understood teenagers and the realistic manners that people behave; while others saw it as a quirky piece of crap that was trying to capture the voice of a generation but trying too hard and ended up failing; while other people thought that it was completely off and didn't capture the voice of a generation at all. So as you can see there is a variety here, and it all comes down to the same question, is Juno actually speaking for a generation of teens or is it just a quirky comedy that's trying too hard? Well I'd say neither are right, you can't just sum-up an entire generation as one group, especially teenagers who love to split themselves into their own little niche subcultures, the goths, the jocks, the nerds, etc. Obviously this movie isn't going to appeal to every single subculture of that generation, however I do feel that it successfully appeals to one subculture more than any and that would be what I refer to as "lite hipster" and by that I mean people who are into hipstery or quirky things but they're not into it ironically, they're into it simply because they like it. I'd say the film perfectly captures that group of people in a way that no other film has and does feel very genuine; and no it's not even that niche of a market because hipsters are cooler now than ever. I did a post a while back discussing what this generation's identity will be, and one point I made was that we made hipsters cool, everyone wants to be a hipster, but people didn't wanna be ironic about it, they just wanted to explore more of the indie scene, and I'd say this is one of the major subcultures of this generation. And that is the film's main demographic, and I'd say it captured it pretty successfully, afterall I saw this movie when I was 16 and absolutley loved it, I felt like these were people that I would hangout with in real life, and several years later my love for this film has only grown. So when people just write it off saying that it doesn't capture the voice of a generation, just keep in mind it doesn't capture your voice, and it doesn't try to be the film for an entire generation to enjoy, just a particular group of people. It's like the old saying goes, one man's trash is another man's hamburger phone...seriously that thing looked really cool.


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