Sunday 5 October 2014

Where Would I Travel Through Time?

This is a question that you will ask yourself dozens of times throughout your life, if you could travel through time, where would you go? If you only had one chance to travel somewhere in the world, when & where would you go? Well first of all, I definitely would not want to go to the past, why? Because the past sucks, racism, poverty, disease and no internet, life would suck, hell go even further back and you don't even have toilets, and I don't know about you, but I consider those to be a necessity in life. Let's face it people, the past sucks, I mean we're not perfect now but I like to think we're better than what we used to be, which is exactly why I would travel to the future. Because that means that things will be either be amazing...or we will all have killed each other in a technologically advanced war and it's probably America's fault, i'd say it's 60/40.

So then it comes down to how far will I go? Would I want to travel just a few years into the future? A few decades? A few hundred years? Thousands? Millions? Honestly I'd probably wanna go maybe 100 years in the future, because by then I imagine most of the problems that we experience today will either be solved or destroyed the world, if not then we might have a whole bunch of new problems to deal with. But more importantly it'll be far enough that I can see what I did with my life, what my job was, did i have a family, basically what I did with my life. Also to see just how things were in life, what movies are now considered timeless classics, was the new Mass Effect game ever good? Did they ever make a sequel to Zombieland? Do Google end up taking over the world? And will government ever pull their heads out of their own asses? Oh who am I kidding, we all know the answer to that last one.


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