Monday 27 October 2014

"Kids today and their damn iPhone!" - The hypocrisy of a generation

The whole "kids these days" argument is as old as time, the previous generation will always find something wrong with the current generation. And one of the biggest arguments made against kids of today is that they all have phones and tablets and other expensive gizmos. "What the hell do they need an iPad for!?" well let's see, it plays games, music, can watch movies, a whole lot of things that kids enjoy. "But why buy something so expensive for a kid!?" oh right because raising a child doesn't cost anything and i'm sure your parents never bought you anything costly when you were a kid like a Gameboy or Playstation..."But I never needed anything like an iPhone when I was a kid" NO. You didn't have one not because you didn't need one, but because they didn't fucking exist. If iPhones and iPads existed back when you were a kid of course you would have fucking wanted one, you'd be begging your parents to buy you one for christmas. "Honestly, life for kids these days is so easy" oh right so you want children to suffer? Isn't the whole point of being on this planet to make life easier for the next generation? Because if I ever have kids then I would like life to be easy for them because they're children you sadistic bastard. What I find the strangest element about this argument is it's always people between the ages 18-40 complaining about this kind of stuff, never old people, you know why? Because old people are smart enough now that they've realised that each generation is going to have luxuries that the previous generation didn't. This generation it's iPhones, the one before that was game consoles, before that it was the computer and before that it was television and before that it was the lack of a threat of global catastrophe. So whenever you complain about kids having things that you didn't just remember how childish you sound.


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