Thursday 16 October 2014

Jesus Christ Are Sarkeesian Haters Crazy!

This is no longer an argument on sexism in the gaming world people, this has expanded into "seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people?" territory. I mean granted things were already pretty fucked up before by ways of people sending death/rape threats to a woman for committing the heinous crime of...talking about games on the internet. Now I've always said I admire Sarkeesian for her ideals and the fact that she is definitely making an impact but I've always felt that her methods have always come across as though she is attacking gamer culture, a culture that I often associated myself with. But now holy fuck have things gotten out of control to the point where I'm beginning to feel ashamed to call myself a gamer! If you're confused about what I'm talking about, Anita Sarkeesian was supposed to give a talk at a university until the university received an anonymous message from a student saying that if she gave that talk then the university would experience "the deadliest school shooting in American history"...this is a woman that talks about!! Now I have always said that videogames are important to me and are a important and influential part of our culture but I mean positively influences our culture! Not threaten to kill people over something as simple as textures on a screen! Now it's unknown if the threat is legit or it's just another butthurt fanboy who's all bark and no bite but that doesn't really matter, because at this point I think I'm more in favour of Sarkeesian than I am against her because no way in hell do I want to be associated with psycho maniacs who think that a person deserves to be killed or assaulted simply because she said something bad about A FUCKING GAME! So what if she says she doesn't like Bayonetta, does she deserve to die for that? (If anyone actually says yes then you are a fucked up person no matter who you are). Look this is the peak of harassment in the gaming industry, we're at the point where women getting harassed in this industry can't get any worse, mostly because if it does get any worse then it becomes more than harassment, it becomes something much worse. So if there are any hardcore Sarkeesian haters reading this or anyone that has ever sent a threat to someone for disagreeing with you over a GAME(!!!!!!!) please, I am begging you...shut the fuck up. Seriously. Shut-the-fuck-up. You are not helping your cause in anyway you're just making yourselves look like cunts and in fact you are causing the general public to support the argument opposed to yours, great job there guys(!). All I can say is I hope this all blows over soon without any permanent consequences and we can all go back to loving videogames except this time with maybe some more women around, is that such a bad thing? (Again if you said yes then you're fucked up).


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