Wednesday 15 October 2014

Captain America Vs Iron Man

By now you've probably heard the rumours about Captain America 3 but if you haven't, i'll fill you in: There is a RUMOUR going around that in Captain America 3 they will be using the civil war storyline from the comics, where basically the government decides that all superheroes have to be registered as an official government agent and give up their secret identities, now a lot of superheroes like Spider-Man and the X-Men are against this while others like Iron Man are all for it, and at the centre of this conflict is Captain America leading the anti-registration and Iron Man leading the pro-registration which of course leads to the titular civil war between the two parties. It's a very interesting story and one of the best storylines from the past decade from Marvel so I definitely say pick it up. Now this would be a big thing for the movies to do, especially seeing as there would have to be a lot of changes seeing as Marvel don't own the rights to Spider-Man so they can't use him, or the X-Men...or Fantastic Four, in fact they're missing a lot of characters; and not to mention the current Avengers line up don't really have secret identities, everyone knows Tony Stark is Iron Man and Steve Rodgers is Captain America, there isn't much secrecy to it so lord knows how they're gonna talk it. So yes, if Marvel do this then Captain America 3 will see Captain America Vs Iron Man (And DC thought CA3 was competition before). Now, I am all for this being a real thing, except here's my problem people, IT-IS-A-RUMOUR!!!! Nothing has been confirmed yet, there has just been reports and speculations but Marvel have not come out and said "yes, we are doing this" yet almost every single newsight is reporting is as IRON MAN IN CAPTAIN AMERICA 3!!!! When again, nothing is confirmed, I don't see why newsights feel the need to say it's confirmed, surely the rumour is enough to clickbait fools into checking out your website. After all the first website that I saw this posted on was (Awesome website by the way) and they made it farely clear that nothing is set in stone just yet, but you know what, the rumour alone was enough for me to read the article and get me super excited, and the fact that I'm praising them for honest reporting is by giving them free marketing right here, I doubt it'll do much for them but it's the thought that counts, and because I know they're never going to put speculation as fact then I'm always going to check with them first for my movie news, most webites don't do that because they're entirely clickbait websites with no integrity to them. So remember folks, movie news is awesome, but always take it with a grain of salt, and news reporters? Grow some fucking balls.


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