Wednesday 31 December 2014

2014: The Year of Okayness

2014 when I look back, there were no major events that I can think of...oh except I got into university, but i've talked about that plenty of times, plus i'm getting ahead of myself, let's go over the months.

January, February & March
I remember almost nothing about these months, I can't think of anything significant that happened to me, I was at college still, christ, I guess quite a bit has changed since then. But yeah, I was at college, lived at home, hungout with friends, went to the movies, that's really it. But then again I don't remember the last time I did anything interesting during the first quarter of a year. Oh wait, I did do something, I went to mother-fuckin' New York City. It was my first time going to New York and it was awesome and would love to go back someday.

April, May & June
This is where life started to change for me, I finished college, a place I had attended for 3 years, I did my exams, which are always the most nervracking experience a teenager can go through. And me and my friends realised that this would be our last summer till things had changed, we'd all be off to university and be all over the country, admittedly I never saw it as that big of a deal since the internet is a thing so we can still be in contact, but nevertheless, we still planned to make the most of the summer, which then leads into...

July & August
So yeah, again, the stuff that i did during the summer, i've already talked about, the first thing would be (and the major thing) was going to MCM Comic-Con in Manchester, England. This was my first ever convention, i went with a bunch of friends and it was a blast, probably the most fun i've had all year and we shall definitely be going again this year. Within this time I also had my 19th birthday and went bowling, also a lot of fun, mostly because I am the best at bowling. We also went camping in the woods, went for plenty of walks and basically, had a really good time camping. So that was our last summer as younguns before venturing into adulthood...spoiler alert, it's a lot like being a youngun.

September, October & November
This would be the time where I was at university in Sheffield, and so far it has been pretty cool. My flatmates are really cool people, I went clubbing for the first time in my life, lost weight, have to take care of myself now (With other people's money of course). And still made it home atleast once a month. Thoroughly enjoying my course, my lectures take place in the cinema, the other students are fun, so it's all good, although even when it's talking about stuff I like, I still hate my assignments, even when my assignments involve talking about Toy Story and American Beauty...actually thinking about it, my course rocks.

I just talked about this, read yesterday's post.

So yeah, overall, there have been a lot of changes looking back on the year, even though I don't feel as i've changed, the world around me has. So, who knows what 2015 will bring, well, tomorrow, look forward to seeing what I hope it'll bring. Until then, happy new year universe.


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