Tuesday 23 December 2014

Justin Lin to Direct Star Trek 3!

It has officially been announced that Justin Lin, director of Fast & Furious 5 & 6 will be directing the third entry of the Rebooted Star Trek series. Now on one hand, this news doesn't interest me, I mean really Star Trek 3 I don't really care about, as I said i'm currently trying to watch everything Star Trek related (And i'm way behind) and the rebooted franchise is the furthest thing from my mind, even though i really like those movies. But then I thought "well yeah but this guy did spark new interest in a dull franchise". I mean be honest, who the hell still gave a shit about Fast & Furious before this guy came along? Before Fast Five everyone thought the franchise was as drained as a series could get, but then he came along and decided to make it about more than racing and it actually worked, people flocked to the cinema to see it and likewise for the sixth movie. People started to praise them as the modern day action franchise and he brought a series back from the dead that had no right to be brought back. But with that being said, they're not exactly deep movies, so hopefully Star Trek 3 will have a good script for him to work with and all he has to do is make it look visually interesting, and we all know he can do that so I say, go for it man, I have faith in you.


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