Monday 15 December 2014

What if Marvel Got Spider-Man?

There has been a lot of talk recently (Or for about 7 years) of Marvel getting the movie rights back for Spider-Man. This is mostly due to the Sony leaks and the Amazing Spider-Man films just getting worse and worse reception and Sony literally not having a clue what they're doing with that franchise. But after the Sony leaks it was revealed that Marvel & Sony had indeed been talking about Marvel being allowed to use Spider-Man, but Sony got greedy and wanted creative control as well as power over the marketing and distribution. Marvel of course found this to be completely unfair and talks broke down. Because here's the thing, in a pre-Avengers world, Marvel would have folded in an instant, because people seem to have forgotten that before The Avengers was released, people like Iron Man and Thor were considered B-List superheroes, but now just 2 years later, they are huge names and are equal to Spider-Man, so Marvel doesn't need Spider-Man, but they know how much people want him. But recently it has been said that is Marvel did get the rights to Spider-Man back then Andrew Garfield would no longer be playing the character and they would start from scratch (Again!). And most people were upset by this news because no matter what your opinion on The Amazing Spider-Man is, everyone loves Andrew Garfield as the character, he is the perfect Spider-Man.

So here's my alternative, should Marvel get the rights to Spider-Man, then don't do Peter Parker again, we've seen him twice now, we don't need another Peter Parker story, instead, you know who people would love to see? Miles Morales. For those of you who don't know, in the Ultimate series in the comics, Peter Parker was killed off and replaces with Miles Morales, an african-american, this character would become so popular that he actually got a second run after his initial series ended. And people love this character and it would be something different from what we've seen already. And I think we all know who should play him. Donald Glover.

If you aren't aware, back in 2010 when they first announced a reboot of Spider-Man, a lot of people were petitioning for Donald Glover to play Peter Parker, of course this didn't actually happen, but it wasn't for nought. Marvel took notice of the demand for Glover, and wanted to honour that demand, thus, Miles Morales was born, inspired by Donald Glover. And in 2014, Donald actually got to play Miles in the Ultimate Spider-Man TV Series. Now, it's time to take it a step further, and have Donald play the web-swinger on the big screen. Now the one problem with this is Miles is 13 years old and that plays a pretty big role in the comics...I don't give a shit if they age him up, give him a new story, i just want to see it happen, if Samuel L Jackson can play Nick Fury then Donald Glover can play Miles Morales.

BUT! Before any of that happens, let Sony finish the Amazing Spider-Man series, i don't care if they don't know what they're doing, i don't care if the next movie (And should be the final movie) sucks balls, let Andrew Garfield have his trilogy, let him finish his story, he's earnt it, he deserves that much. Because he absolutely loves playing this character and people love seeing him as this character, so give him his goddamn movie.


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