Wednesday 10 December 2014

"The Man in the Yellow Suit" Review

So um...yeah...the mid-season finale of The was pretty fucking amazing. Recap Time! The Flash and Reverse Flash finally meet face to face, and even though Flash gets his ass handed to him and RF escapes, Barry learns to let go and finally move on with his life...oh and he tells Iris how he feels...oh and Caitlin learns that Ronnie is alive...oh and Dr Wells turns out to be Reverse Flash...oh and there's two Reverse Flashes...WHAT!?

So let's try and take this one plot element at a time, starting with the one I cared about the least, Barry confessing his feelings towards Iris that he loves her. Romance in these DC Shows are easily their weakest element, my biggest fear for the future of this show is that each of the characters are gonna start dating each other and it's gonna become this big stupid complicated mess that you will never give a shit about. Iris and Eddie are fine together, they're not annoying and their romance doesn't play a major role in anyway, I really don't want to see this become a big deal, hopefully Barry confessing his feelings all plays into the theme of this episode, that being finally moving on with your life. Also did anyone else think Iris was gonna die? I mean it was forshadowed in a previous episode, one of her major subplots got resolved in this episode, it would have been a big dramatic moment, she all but disappears for the final act, i thought it was a sure thing she was gonna kick the bucket.

Then there's Ronnie and Caitlin, being honest my biggest problems with this subplot are two things, one, the scene where the two reunite was really poorly handled, he was in a parking lot for no reason, then walks up to her and then walks away for no reason, and when she knows it's him she runs away for no reason, it was a sloppy scene. And my other problem is, this shouldn't have been a subplot, this is A-Story material here people! Save this for another episode so Ronnie gets the focus! But him saving Flash in the climax was really cool and also Holy Shit he can fly using fire! That is badass!

And finally there is the A-plot of this episode, Reverse Flash, I loved the way they handled this, Reverse Flash came across as such a cool villain in this episode, the way how he taunts Barry both psychologically and physically, you know he could beat the shit out of him whenever he wanted, he never lost control of the situation, even when imprisoned he was still intimidating; he was incredible. And of course there was the big reveal that there are actually two RF's and one of them is none other than Dr Wells. A lot of people suspected this would be the case, but they had an entire episode dedicated to that to try and throw us off the scent, and even in this episode, seeing Wells and RF in the same room together, pretty much sealed that it wasn't him. But then the reveal of two RF's, and we then find out that one of them is actually Dr Wells. This raises so many questions, how did he get his powers? What is his plan here? Why is he helping Flash? Is he actually a bad guy? Where did he get that future machine doohicky!? Probably the best way you could have ended the half-way point of the show.

Finally, there is the theme of the episode, letting go of the past and finally moving on with your life, I thought this was very well handled in the episode. It never felt like it was pandering to the audience like most episodes of Flash and Arrow do, every speech, every scene it felt just right to give it that dramatic weight but never going overboard. In particular of worthy mention is the scene between Barry and his father, that scene was perfect, the acting was top notch, the pacing and music complemented the scene perfectly and it's probably the best done scene in the entire show so far,

Being honest this is probably the best show on television right now (Shows like Game of Thrones not withstanding because they're not airing right now). Yeah it has it's problems but it also has plenty of great things about it too. I love the characters, I enjoy the comic book tone to it, the story arc of the season if very engaging and I look forward to watching it every week.

I'll be saving my full score for the season finale, but this episode easily gets a 10/10


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