Saturday 6 December 2014

To Go Where Every Nerd Has Gone Before

Stardate...uhh, Saturday. 6/12/2014.

Something that I have always wanted to get into but sadly never have is Star Trek, Star Trek is the iconic sci-fi show and Trekkers/Trekkies were the original fanbase, and yet I have never seen a single episode of any of the shows, nor have I seen the original films; my only experience with Star Trek comes from the rebooted movies, which I very much enjoy. So I've decided that by this time next year I shall have watched all of the television shows and all of the films, even if it turns out i don't like it, this is something that I must do.

And as of right now, I have seen the first official episode of Star Trek: The Original Series, released in 1966, and my opinion on it so far's pretty much what I expected. From the variety of clips i've seen of the series combined with what I learnt from the reboot films and general cliches that people make fun of, I went into this show expecting a few things. Such as random crew members to die, some cheap & fake looking science fiction sets, a villain of the week mentality and of course, some overacting. All of which, were met.

This does make me nervous as I am not a fan of TV Shows that use the villain of the week formula, I much prefer over-arcing storylines over each season, but this is just the pilot, so hopefully I will be proven wrong. Also the cheap and campy sci-fi setting of the 60's is very distracting for me, mostly because of how obvious everything is clearly a set. But it's a sci-fi show from the 60's, i'm willing to let that go, but it is still distracting, hopefully it'll improve as the show goes on. Also the first episode reminded me heavily of The Thing, shapeshifting monster, trying to kill people, it's all there.

So i'm quite excited to beginning this new franchise, and hopefully by the end of it I will be a full blown Trekkie...or Trekker...maybe at the least i'll find out which one it is once and for all.


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