Sunday 28 December 2014

Polygon, Seriously, Go Fuck Yourselves

I've had my fair share to say about journalist and review based gaming companies like IGN before, mostly because of their arbitrary business structure and corrupted review system and lack of spine. But none of them are worse than Polygon.

Polygon are the self-praising, ego-bloated, civil working rights, pat yourself on the back, nobs who try to come across as articulate and just when really they're bullshit speaking, click baiting maniacs who keep seeing controversial and trigger warning news stories and saying "Look at me! Look at me! I'm being an activist!". And the lack of logic in their arguments and stories made just for the sake of impressing people in their "hard hitting and brutally honest journalism" when really they're making mountains out of mole hills with no unique thought or perspective on pointless topics that have been covered before, dozens of times and better handled

For example, one of the big controversies in the gaming industry, especially over this year alone, is sexism in gaming. So a couple of their articles include the portrayal of prostitution & violence within Grand Theft Auto V. Now if you want to read the whole article-then it's good to see you have 30IQ points to spare-google it yourself, but here are a few snippets from the article, if you think they're being taken out of context, trust me, context doesn't help. "I know a lot of people desperately want to believe that killing a prostitute in GTA 5 is the same as killing any other character, but it’s really not." Yes it is. It fucking is. Killing a prostitute in GTA is just the same as killing literally any other character, they fall over dead, you steal their money, the only difference being you can have sex with a prostitute before hand, and really I would have thought murder would be considered immoral regardless of whether or not you had consensual sex with someone prior to murdering them. And for the record, i'm sick of people yelling at the fact you can kill people in GTA and shouting "IT'S WRONG! IT'S WRONG!" Well of course it's wrong, that's why you get a wanted level for it, you get punished for doing it, you twats.

"Unlike gangsters or cops or business dudes or hot dog vendors, prostitutes, as a class, are despised, marginalised and abused in real life, all the time.". This one really ruffles my jammies. Yes, prostitutes get abused in real do a lot of people, it may be a more common occurrence than certain other classes, but to insinuate that they're the only ones that get abused in reality is rather insulting. There are homeless people in GTA, you can abuse them as much as you can prostitutes, and while some people choose to be prostitutes, very litte, if any choose to be homeless, and most would consider them to be mistreated and abused in real life. Or how about black people living in the lower class part of society? They get a lot of abuse and mistreatment in our society, where's Polygon's article about how that's wrong? (Don't give em' ideas Dan). My point i'm trying to make here is GTA does not discriminate in who you can kill, you can kill prostitutes, you can also kill business tycoons, gangsters, cops, old people, blacks, whites, men, women, birds, cats, dogs, if they're in the game, they can be shot dead. People who write up this bullshit need to stop acting like these types of games actively enforce violence on one particular group of people. Because they don't.

But the line that really pissed me off in this article, the one that went from "ignorant prick" to "Piece of shit" is the line "It’s one thing for games to portray the slaughter of soldiers…". Wow. Okay. So by your logic: Killing prostitutes is wrong. But having a game that shows the brave men & women dying and suffering for your protection, even though they arguably go through more pain & suffering both physically and psychologically than prostitutes, yet you suggest it is not as important as them. Ok...Seriously, to the author of this article, you are (And I am completely honest when I say this) an ignorant, biased, disrespectful, ego driven activist wannabee with his head up his own arse who doesn't deserve his job and abuses his position as a journalist to exploit his propaganda, one sided mind to appease the popular views of society without logic or facts to back up your points and are just adding fuel to the fire for a heated debate that has actual importance to it and plenty of logical and factual points to make and actual games to complain about, unlike you. You-Cunt.

...Also they gave The Last of Us a 7.5/10...Dicks.


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