Wednesday 17 December 2014

First Semester of University: A Look Back

Today is my final day at university. Well. Technically Friday was my last day at univerity, i've just been spending the last couple of days finishing up my assignments before Christmas. Now they're handed in, today is my last day here for the year before I head back home. So I have been at university for 3 months now, i've been supporting myself and living in a new town and have pretty much been in charge of myself (With parent & governments money of course) so i guess it would be time to reflect right now.

So i didn't really know what life was gonna be like, I mean i've seen plenty of films and tv shows set at university but they were mostly American, and even the British ones I didn't think they were going to be accurate representations of life at uni. But here are some thoughts/worries that I had before coming to university. First would be losing touch with my old friends from home, actually i think i was the only person not worried about this, mostly because people seem to forget that the internet is a thing, and phones, and trains. So yeah, i've had no problem keeping in contact with my friends, i talk to them all the time and i've even been home a couple of times to see them and hangout. So yeah, keeping a hold of my roots wasn't really a problem.

What was a big problem for me to start off with was food, I had no idea what I would do for tea every night, i barely ever cooked, and at home my folks would buy food in bulk to last the whole week, not an option here seeing as i only get one shelf in the fridge, so i have to buy food that i cook (by the way, i now have a love for cooking chicken) and can only store several days worth of food otherwise it'll go spoilt or i just don't have the room for it.

Turns out i'm still shit at making friends, I went through 3 years at college without spending lunch with anyone new and turns out it's the same here. Now it's not to say i'm anti-social, I get along with people and can have fun with them, but when it comes to holding a conversation by myself or finding anything of substance to talk about, that's when my subjects are limited. This is one of the reasons why i hope my best friends now will always remain my best friends because it's gonna be a hell of a job trying to replace them. But here that would be a bigger problem because people normally spend their second and third year living in a student house with their friends, and i am not close enough to anyone for this to fuck. Guess it's another year in student halls for me.

Also lectures & seminars are not what I expected. Admittedly studying film & screenwriting, my subject might have more than a normal classroom, but my lectures take place at the cinema...that's pretty fucking obsurd. But doesn't matter because lectures are kinda boring, i sit there for 30-40 minutes with people telling me stuff i already know, then we watch a movie, which apart from a couple of films, they're not great movies for the most part. It's the seminars that are pretty awesome, i've always preferred the small classes because that means there's more of a conversation between people and it's easier to remember people's names and personalities, so those are a lot of fun.

Apart from that, i can't really think of much that's changed, i haven't gone through any kind of life changing events or reinvented my personality. I spend my free time doing the exact same stuff i normally did back home. I mean granted it's only been 3 months but i've seen plenty of people that i grew up with changed already or atleast are trying to change their imagine. But, I'd like to think i'm the same ol' me. I like me. And I don't think university has changed me, if anything, it's made me realise how simple my life was, and i'd like to back to the simple life please...No? Okay.


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