Tuesday 30 December 2014

December: The Final Look Back

I may be doing this a few days early, but that's because tomorrow i'll be looking back at 2014 as a whole. So, for today, let's take a look back at December. It's alright...what more do ya want from me? I finished my first semester of university, that was alright. Celebrated Christmas, that was alright. It's just been a month of alrightness. I can't think of anything incredible that happened this month, I found out that I'd lost 15lbs while away at university, that was cool, in fact that was probably the highlight of my month...so that probably says a lot about how my month has been. Hopefully the post tomorrow will be more interesting because yes, i am one of those sentimental assholes who enjoys looking back over the past year and making resolutions for the next year, because I fucking do them. So yeah, December, been alright, how's 2014 been? Find out tomorrow. Spoiler Alert: Pretty good.


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