Tuesday 9 December 2014

Sleep is Overrated

My sleeping pattern has gotten really weird recently, i've started falling alseep at 6am and waking up around 2pm, i have no idea why that is, i've just had a surprising amount of things to do, whether it be interneting random things (Proper phrasing is also overrated) and actually getting university work done, i'm surprisingly much better at doing work at 3am than I am when i'm actually at university. Also you know, it makes for great binge watching of TV. I have no idea what's brought this on, I don't know when it'll stop, one benefit is being able to stay up and watch the Schmoes Know Podcast live, that's a lot of fun, especially the discussions on the Schmoeville fan page. So...yeah, i don't really know why i'm sleeping so weirdly, hell i don't even know why i'm making a post about this, but then again this blog was made so I could talk about whatever the hell I wanted, and I wanted to talk about the strange sleeping pattern of mine, that's all, bye.


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