Monday 8 December 2014

My Favourite Characters - Marty McFly

The 80's seemed to be filled with the brim of these type of characters, the perfect guy, the one who can do no wrong and is good at everything, people like the Ferris Bueller's of Cinema. But the problem is, most of them are either assholes or are so perfect they're unrelatable. Marty McFly is the perfect "perfect guy". He's super cool, he rides a skateboard, he plays guitar, he has a smokin' hot girlfriend, he's a rebel, he's a rockstar, he's just all round cool...oh and he can travel through time; can't forget that.

But the reason why this works so well for Marty McFly and not for others is because he has to work for this perfection, nothing is ever handed to him, he has to fight tooth and nail to end out on top, because lord knows he isn't getting any help from his family or destiny. Everything goes wrong for this guy and he does whatever he can to make sure everything goes right. And of course, he ends up the winner, but it's the struggle he has to go through which makes him so relatable.

And on top of that, Marty is not only talented, but brave and honest, always trying to do the right thing, and not being afraid to stand up to those who do wrong, the most obvious of these being Biff, the main antagonist of the Back to the Future trilogy. Even though Biff could kill Marty (and has attempted multiple times) Marty never backs down, he never lets those who Biff harass go unprotected, whether it be himself, his family or just people in general, he's not walking away from a fight.

And of course we have to talk about how cool he is in other aspects, he rocks out on guitar, he does a damn fine rendition of Johnny B Goode, he has a freakin' hoverboard and has travelled through time, there is no one cooler than Marty McFly, and that's why he's one of my all time favourite characters.


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