Thursday 1 January 2015

2015: The Future 'N' Shit

I swear to god if I hear one more Back to the Future joke...that movie took place on October 21st, cool your beans.

But apart from that, 2015, a new year for things to happen, there seem to be two camps on what a new year means to people, one group are people who are determined to change everything in their lives and the others are people who see the significance of this period to be arbitrary and stupid. I am in neither camps, I know that things will be different by this time next year, but i'm not gonna force them, if they happen then they happen, and there will be plenty of things that change that I wouldn't have been able to predict. But with that being said, let's actually talk about stuff I want to happen and what I'm looking forward to.

One of my resolutions-and yes I write resolutions because I actually fucking do them-is to lose weight, my goal would be to drop to 200lbs by the end of the year, ideally the summer, which is not impossible, it's a fair enough goal for me, i lose weight quite fast, i just so happen to put it on just as quick. Really having to take care of myself has done some good for me, I buy healthier food, go for a lot of walks, eat less often, I think I could actually do it. Something else I would like is to hit at least 100 subscribers on my YouTube channel, which if you're not subscribed too then just click here okay. I mean I'm currently at 77 which I think is like double what I had last year, so that should also be doable.

Also you know, doing well at university would be nice, make some new friends, some new memories, that's all good but again, that's stuff you can't predict what's gonna happen, i'm sure there will be plenty of things about 2015 that I'll love and things that I hate, we'll just have to wait and see. So those are all the personal things for 2015, then there are other things like...

STAR WARS!!!!! 2015 is the year of Star Wars, we have a new Battlefront game being released, we got some more Rebels coming our way, and oh yeah, THE FORCE AWAKENS IS IN 11 MONTHS!!!!! Can ya tell i'm excited?

We also got plenty of Marvel movies coming out, we got Batman: Arkham Knight & Uncharted 4 for the videogames, all of my favourite shows are returning like Arrow, Flash, Gravity Falls, Game of Thrones, Community. It's a good time to be a nerd.

Also maybe we can stop losing our goddamn airplanes in 2015!


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