Thursday 15 January 2015

My Favourite Characters - Luke Skywalker

I think it's no secret that Star Wars is one of if not the biggest piece of media of all time. What started out as one man's dream project became the most iconic science-fiction series in history, spanning into books, TV shows, videogames and influencing hundreds and hundreds of wannabee films. And at the centre of all this, leading the charge in this phenomenon is our lead character, Luke Skywalker. The main reason why I've always loved Luke as a character is because this is the ultimate hero rises tail. The underdog with no distinct talents but is forced (Puns!) into greatness and has to overcome obstacles both physically and emotionally and become a brave warrior. It's a character arc that has been done a million times but I feel Luke's is easily on of the best. Let's take a look at his journey.

In A New Hope we see him as a wide-eyed young soul who dreams of fighting in the rebellion and to achieve something with his life, he then meets Ben Kenobi and learns that his father was a great Jedi Knight who was strong with the force, as is Luke. Throughout the film we see Luke learn how to use the force and start his journey to being a great warrior, after his mentor dies he is forced to continue on his own, which leads to him blowing up the Death Star and getting his first taste of greatness. In Empire we see him continue his training with Master Yoda, learning to harness the force for it's potential and become a better Jedi by facing challenges physically and psychologically. But his ego and compassion for his friends gets the better of him and he leaves to early, convincing himself he is ready to face off against Darth Vader. Once he does, he loses horribly, having his hand cut off and finding out that the face of evil is in fact his father. Now at his absolute low point, Luke gets a huge blow to his ego and realises that he truly has to commit himself to his training and only fight when he is told he is ready.

And then we get to Return of the Jedi, my favourite of the franchise, because it's the conclusion to his arc. We reunite with look, several years since Empire and instantly we can tell he is a different person, he is able to manipulate people's thoughts, he is calm in the face of danger; he is one the force. And on top of it all, he's got a new green lightsaber because he's just that badass. From this point on, it's not about beating Vader, but it's about showing him the good in him, that he was once a hero and he can be again. While simultaneously the Empire are trying to show the darkness in him, but deep inside, Luke is good, he has always been good, and he'll always be good, nothing can change that. And his father finally sees this, his father sees the error of his ways and saves his son. Luke had done it, he had saved the galaxy and defeated the empire and managed to redeem his father.

This is one of the best paced and written hero arcs that I've ever seen, we care about Luke and want to see him progress, every mistake he makes is understandable and never comes across as stupid or irresponsible, and his victory in the end is earned and we see him grow as a man and a hero. Because that's what Luke is, Luke is a hero who we root for, he feel compasion for, and we cheer for when he wins. Luke is my favourite character in Star Wars and one of my favourite characters of all time.


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