Thursday 4 June 2015

The Hatred of The Hatred of Bae Culture

Something i've never understood is the hatred of the selfie stick, i mean as far as selfies are concerned it's quite a practical invention, my assumption is that people hate it just because it's an integration of the selfie culture which people also hate, and i still don't get it! Is it because selfies promote a narcissistic quality of self-praise, as well as glorifying physical attractiveness over intellectual well being as well as notable achievements of skill? Probably, but i doubt most people consciously know that, it's probably because it looks dumb and pointless. But there's a lot of hate going round for this sub-culture recently, the selfie taking, bae speaking, fake-tanning class of our modern society. Now i am also guilty of doing this, i don't identify with these people and i question the practicality of their behaviour, but then i realised how stupid it was to insult people like this, for the most part, they're not doing anything wrong or harmful, i mean some do, but people do that in every culture. If someone refers to their partner as 'Bae' then who are you to insult them for that? How dare you use a colloquial term which doesn't fall under the parameters of my sub-culture! fuck you, they're happy and them using the term bae doesn't hurt your standards of living in anyway. SIDE NOTE: I have never actually heard anyone use the word Bae in a non-ironic way so I question whether this is a real thing or not. So basically put, if you're going to get angry at someone for behaving differently than you when it doesn't affect your life in anyway what so ever and it makes them happy...shut the fuck up.


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