Tuesday 2 June 2015


Usually I compare these sort of things by five categories, but seeing as these are much shorter experiences, I’m only going to do this by three categories. Story: While Left Behind offers great thematic structuring and adds a lot to the main game, Citadel is the perfect send off for this story and shows why this franchise is so good. Characters: This was the hardest category, Ellie is the greatest videogame character of all time and this game adds to that, but Mass Effect thrives on how great of an ensemble they have, but even then, none of the characters will have had the same effect as Ellie on the gaming community. Gameplay: Left Behind doesn’t really add much to its gameplay and has pointless conversation branches while Citadel is able to build on their own system even 6 years after the first game.

Left Behind – 1
Citadel – 2

Gameplay was a no-brainer for who was going to win and while story had more of an argument to be made, Citadel was the last time these characters were going to have their story told. The real difficult choice was characters, Left Behind is a great character study with believable relationships and deep meaning behind it, but Mass Effect was a celebration on what was already achieved, it didn’t need to develop characters, it had already achieved that level of success. But they say that it’s all about the journey, not the destination and that’s what I felt here, Ellie has achieved so much yet also has so much more to offer while the Normandy crew have reached their peak. Regardless of the results, these are still two amazing pieces of DLC and if you have the games then I highly recommend picking them up. And if you don’t have the games then I highly recommend picking up them and plaything them through. These are the greatest pieces of DLC for the greatest videogames.


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