Tuesday 16 June 2015

E3 Expo - Microsoft Announcements

Microsoft was the press conference that I was least excited for, I don't own an Xbox One and I believed that this was going to be the consoles last generation...well boy was I wrong. Microsoft has killed it with their announcements, the big one for me, and the thing that may convince me to get an Xbox One is the new Xbox is going to be BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE which is just the greatest thing ever, that combined with the low price (Or atleast I hope it stays low) then I may actually get an Xbox One soon.

Then there were the game announcements, the one that sticks out the most to me is Rare Replay, 30 retro games all together in one package for only £20, that is a damn good deal! Speaking of Rare, the new game they premiered Sea Of Thieves looks rather interesting, it's an MMO with a pirate theme and a rather fun art design, Beyond Eyes looks absolutely beautiful, but I don't know if the gameplay will be very enticing, and the same can be said for Ashen, Gigantic & Tacoma. Superhot is now to be released on Xbox which is exciting because that's a very experimental game and the more people who play it the better. But the game that looks the most promising is ReCore, a post-apocalyptic action game about a woman and her robo-dog surviving the apocalypse and it looks awesome so far. Cuphead looks to be a very original and entertaining game in the style of an early 20th century Micky Mouse cartoon. Surprisingly i'm not exciting for Halo 5 or Gears of War 4 because...well simply, those games bore me, I enjoy several instalments of their franchises, but it all ends up feeling repetative anyway that i've already given up on those games.

Overall, Microsoft really did a killer job with this year's E3 Press Conference and Sony is going to have a tough time topping them, but never say never.


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