Monday 29 June 2015

Ash Williams, Good? Bad? He's The Man With The Gun.

Ash is the main character in the Evil Dead franchise, played by the always great, Bruce Campbell. The Evil Dead franchise has always been a fascinating franchise with me, i don't necessarily like or dislike the movies, but i've always had a deep respect for them and a desire to look deeper into them. Ash is the main part of the franchise that I find interesting, in the first film he's an ordinary guy, he goes on a trip with his friends and are then killed by demons (deadites) from the Necronomicon, in the end, Ash's fate is left unsaid. In the second film is where he starts to get interesting, it turns out he survived the end of the previous film, but is still trapped in the cabin from the first, now on his own, Ash must fight for survival with nothing more than a chainsaw and a rifle. By the end of the film, he is sucked through a vortex and taken to the 1300's England, where he leads an army of knights against an army of deadites, for one final showdown. The best way to describe Ash to to think back to when you were a child and you were afraid of monsters, demons and the boogeyman, well Ash is the guy who tells the boogeyman to go fuck himself.

In the first film, Ash is quite a boring character, he's just your ordinary, everyday type of guy, nothing interesting or special about him. The second film is where the development for Ash takes place, he goes from a scared survivor to a warrior turned crazy by the Necronomicon, we see this once polite normal guy go to the boomstick wielding badass that we all love. The third film is where things go fully cartoony, Ash is sick of the deadites and just wants to get back home, he talks to himself, spouts whitty one-liners and basically put, he's crazier than the demons, which just makes him all the more deadly. But this is where he becomes interesting to me, technically speaking he is still the ordinary guy from the first film, there is nothing special about him physically or mentally, except that he can take one hell of a beating. What makes him so fun to watch is his attitude, he's no longer scared of the demons, he's pissed and he's armed (puns!). A man so crazy and out of touch with reality at this point, and seeing all the suffering he's had to go through, it's amazing that he still functions this well, and looks so cool while doing it.

Sam Raimi has stated that he's always viewed Ash as a loser, as pathetic, he always loses and is always getting his ass handed too him, which is why in the original ending for the franchise, Sam Raimi was going to have Ash wake up after the apocalypse for no reason than his own mistake. In my opinion, I agree with Raimi that Ash is a loser, the best heroes are the ones who are always getting put down and never getting their way, yet still continue fighting no matter what, however, I disagree with the idea of ending the series on a note like that. The official ending of the series i feel fits perfectly, Ash gets back to his old life, kicked the shit out of the demons and got the girl, he had gone through hell for a lot of this series due to no fault of his own (for the most part) so ending the series on his clumsy mistake after defeating an ancient evil like the Necronomicon doesn't seem fair. He's a badass, he's a psycho, he's a loser and he's a winner, hail to the king baby.


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