Saturday 13 June 2015

Kid's Don't Give A Crap About Gender!

Marvel has been in some hot water over their marketing of their female characters in terms of branding. Basically put, there are nowhere near enough toys, t-shirts, etc featuring Black Widow, Gamora or Scarlett Witch. The main reason why this is, is believed to be a decision by Disney-not Marvel-where they basically said well, we already own the female demographic with our princess line-up, so we don't need to appeal to them by making toys with Black Widow. And this is all kinds of bullshit for the obvious reasons, plenty of girls play with action figures and plenty of boys like Black Widow. I can't tell you how many Guardians of the Galaxy t-shirts i've seen that feature the whole team...except for Gamora. It's strange as well, Marvel have been doing so well with their representation of female characters in recent years, especially in the comics, how could they drop the ball here? Especially during a time when they are in such high demand!

But there is an important fact that these companies seem to miss, despite the fact that they're aiming towards kids they seem to know jackshit about them. Kids Don't Care About Gender! If you're making a movie aimed towards boys and it's an action movie, then that's all they're going to care about, they're not going to care if the action is from a boy or a girl, just as long as there's action. I know there is that stereotype of boys thinking girls are "icky" because they have cooties and all that shit and that is an ideology that has been outdated for decades. When I was a kid, i never thought girls were icky, i had no problem hanging out with girls, and i had no problem watching girls in my tv shows and movies. Powerpuff Girls, Teen Titans, Avatar, all of these are TV Shows I watched as a kid, aimed at boys but still had awesome female characters. I wasn't prejudice when it came to collecting toys, i wanted the complete set, and that's still true for kids today.

Legend of Korra was a popular show because Korra has great action, Mabel is everyone's favourite character in Gravity Falls because it's a comedy and she's the funniest character. Kids don't love the Boy Avengers, they love The Avengers. Gender doesn't mean jackshit to them, so give em the goddamn toys.


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