Sunday 7 September 2014

Why Yes, this is a post about Coco Pops

No I haven't run out of ideas just yet, let me give you an explanation, I was thinking about what I could do for a topic for today's post but I couldn't think of anything actually meaningful to talk about, I mean not every post has to be discussing some big thematic or relevant issue amongst media and society but still when I make a post I at the very least want it to have some meaning, only two or three times have I made a post simply to fulfill that quota without an interesting topic or discussion put into it and that's not something I want to do, because I don't want this to become like Twitter where I talk about meaningless and arbitrary things that have no purpose or interest, it doesn't have to be a deep topic, it just needs to be something that I can have at least some discussion on, I mean hell I did a post based entirely around pizza and I was still able to create a discussion on that, a fairly one sided discussion but still a discussion so I still say it counts.

So then I thought I could do an entire post about how I want posts to have some meaning to them and I don't want to be a blog that just lists off things that I've done that day and I was going to make a joke about making a post about the cereal Coco Pops and pretend that I could make a discussion out of it but then I ended up thinking about plenty of topics about it like how I like the taste, how advertising for the products has changed (I miss the jingle), the spin off cereals or actually describe the product to Americans who don't have Coco Pops for some reason. They're chocolate rice krispies but apparently we like that so much we gave it it's own cereal.

So then my joke ended up becoming a post in it's own and suddenly it was worth a post but then's a post about Coco Pops and that would be stupid. Especially considering all the serious topics that I could talk about such as the misrepresentation of gamers in the media or the cultural significance of fiction or the exploitation of our youth or why this website for some reason doesn't recognise 'blog' as a word (You're a fucking blog! How does that not register!?) So with all that being said what exactly is the topic and significance of this blog? I have no idea I was really just rambling there and put about several topics into one but you know what, I'm satisfied.


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