Tuesday 16 September 2014

Marvel Needs to Toughen Up!

Warning: This post contains spoilers for Marvel movies

A lot of people have pointed out the trend in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and that being no one fucking dies! They fake death it, Loki, Bucky, Coulson, Pepper, Loki again, Nick Fury, Groot, all of these characters have died on screen just to be brought back at a later point in the film or in a future instalment. The big problem with this trend is that it takes away all sense of realism and suspense that the movies have, a character dies, big deal, he's not permanently dead, I could go and heat up a pop tart and the character will be back before I've finished. This means that in the future when a character genuinely dies (My money's on Iron Man or Captain America) we're not going to accept it, we'll always have it in the back of our mind that they can come back, no death in the Marvel universe is going to be permanent. Now you could say that that's reminiscent of the comic books, where they kill off characters all the time and bring them back like that, but this isn't a comic book, this is a movie. If there's no tension then there's no interest, but Marvel still has a chance, because not everyone has caught on to this trend, they still have time, the next person they kill has to be a permanent death, because that's what I'd say they've got, they've got one more death in them before people get sick of it and they just lose all interest, so Marvel, don't fuck this up.


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