Monday 1 September 2014

Jameson is a Hero

Continuing my Spider-Man week (cause I guess that is a thing now, god knows what I'm doing tomorrow) I want to bring up a moment from the man with a mouth of gold, J Jonah Jameson. In case you couldn't tell from my reviews of the Spider-Man movies, I love Jameson, he is the best part of the Spider-Man movies, he has the best lines, the most memorable scenes and is played perfectly by JK Simmons, strange that in a movie series with such bad casting that they end up with the best casted character in comic book movie history (Hugh Jackman is a close second). Now if you were to ask someone to describe Jameson they'd probably describe him as a fast talker, quite obnoxious, committed to the job and overall, a dick I mean just look at the way he treats his employees. But there's one moment that people always forget about, hell even I forget about it until I actually watch Spider-Man again, and that would be the scene in Spider-Man where Jameson is attacked by Green Goblin.

In this scene, Goblin attacks Jameson demanding the name of the photographer who takes pictures of Spider-Man in hopes of finding him, and Jameson responds with "I don't know who he is, the pictures just come in the mail!", and then of course Spider-Man shows up and stops the Goblin from hurting him and that's pretty much all Jameson does in the scene. But just think about it, Jameson and Peter don't have the best relationship, they don't hate each other but at best they just put up with each other, but how cool is it that even in the face of death without hesitation his instincts aren't to rat on Peter but to lie and protect him, it's a small moment but it really speaks a lot about Jameson's character and honestly shows that he would really be a cool boss to have, I mean I don't know about you, but protecting you even in a life threatening situation is always a good quality to find in people. Just another reason why Jameson is a miracle of a character.


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