Saturday 20 September 2014

This is The Greatest Thing Ever!

I grew up with the Power Rangers, not all of it though, I saw a couple of reruns of Mighty Morphin, Zeo & Turbo but for me my first official Power Rangers series was In Space and I watched it all the way through my childhood up to Ninja Storm is when I stopped caring, but up until then, Power Rangers was my jam, I absolutely loved everything Power Rangers. Of course now that I'm older I realise it is the stupidest fucking thing in the history of the world, but that kinda makes me love it more. It is the pinnacle of cheesiness and over the top ridiculous nonsense, overall, it's just silly, but I still love it. And recently I found an old clip of the show, a crossover episode with the In Space Power Rangers and the Lost Galaxy Power Rangers and it was the best thing I've seen in my life.

Basically, every season the new Power Rangers would do a crossover with the previous Power Rangers and awesomeness would ensue. But this was the first ever crossover and watching this again as a kind-of-technically adult and remembering how I felt the first time I saw this I absolutely lost my shit. As a kid this was the best thing ever, this was my Avengers, seeing two different childhood hero groups combining into one, and you wanna know something? When I saw this again for the first time in 15 years, I still lost my shit. Everything about this scene is over the top, nostalgia filled badassery, I literally geekgasmed at this, and I never geekgasm.

The first super awesome part is when the other rangers show up to help and they do those ridiculous poses and you're reaction is like "Holy shit! It's the old Rangers! WTF!? Awesome!!!!" Then your second reaction is depression because Zhane isn't there, but you get over it. And then comes to greatest thing ever, the In Space Rangers morph into the Power Rangers again...OOH MY GOOOODDDD!! Hearing the old theme song and seeing those transformation sequences again is just badass and waves of nostalgia come crawling back. But it gets even better, then the Lost Galaxy crew morph as well and the theme songs just transition into one another, seamlessly going from In Space to Lost Galaxy as if they were part of the same song ohmygodit'ssogood! But it doesn't stop there, then there are the poses, the stupid, pointless, silly looking poses that have no reason being there...and it is fucking awesome. But there's still one thing left...the thing that brings it all together in badassery...the explosions...The two teams together for the first time and all of a sudden several explosions behind them and they just stand there looking badass. Why were there explosions? No fucking clue, makes no sense, but I'll be dammed if it isn't the coolest thing ever!

Nothing in this clip makes any goddamn sense and is stupid as hell, but if you grew up with the Power Rangers tell me that this isn't the best thing in Power Rangers history, if not the history of everything, the only thing that has a chance of topping it is that Red Rangers special where all the Red Power Rangers teamed up. That was the shit.


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