Tuesday 23 September 2014

So uni so far

So I have recently started university and have been here for several days already, haven't started my courses yet so the past few days have just been getting used to the uni life, hanging out with flatmates and having fun. So here's what I've been doing, I got drunk and partied...that was pretty much it. But it was kind of a big deal for me because in all my years I have never been drunk before, not because I have any kind of moral stance on it, I just don't really drink alcohol very often, but of course that all changed over the weekend where I learnt that I am very good with shots, they taste alright and get ya drunk pretty quickly, so I ended up having over a dozen of those, that was cool. Then me and a dozen other people, all of whom I share accommodation with, went clubbing and got even more drunk, and yet again, this was my first time doing something like this. I never went to a club before because I never really cared for it, I'm definitely a pub guy rather than a club guy. They just seemed loud, crowded and basically, not my scene. And while granted I still don't think it is my thing, I mean I'm not exactly going to count the days till the next time we go out is, but I thought it was pretty decent and I wouldn't mind doing it again at some point. But with that being said I was the first one out of our group that wanted to leave, I mean once I stopped buying drinks got bored of dancing like we'd been doing for the past 2 hours, really there were no surprises left for the night so once everyone else was like "let's go back" I thought "oh thank god" but then 15 minutes later they all went out again and I said fuck it, I'm going to bed. And that is the story of uni so far, and it's been pretty fun, hopefully it will be fun for a while seeing as I'll be living here for a year...shit I better find a good hairdresser.


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