Wednesday 17 September 2014

Peter's Dad Lives!

Here's a little story for you, for those of you that felt the Amazing Spider-Man 2 story was already big and convoluted, here's another subplot for you, they originally had it in the script that at the end of the movie, Peter's father Richard (who we were lead to believe dead) is actually alive...fuck knows how that happened, and he was supposed to find Peter...again, fuck knows how that happened and teach him about not giving up hope and he has a responsibility to the city and to his loved ones and all that good stuff. When I first heard about this, I thought "holy shit, I can't believe that they thought this idea was good enough to make it into any form of the script"...and low and behold, not only was it in the script at one point but they FUCKING FILMED IT! HOW!? How is this possible!? How did all major people involved: The writers, the director, the producers, the actors, the fucking coffee guy, how did no one at one point say "You know? this is a pretty stupid idea" How did this scene get cleared to not only be in the script but TO-BE-FILMED! It is the dumbest, most ridiculous idea to put in an already too full plot!

Okay, let's actually be fair and talk about some good stuff from this scene, mostly it's Garfield's performance, Garfield is a fantastic actor, not only is he a perfect Peter Parker but he really gets to show his acting chops here, his reaction to seeing his father and the state of denial mixed with anger that he goes through is phenomenal...but this is still a stupid fucking idea! I mean...seriously!? Did they ever think this was going to work!? There is nothing they could do to make this scene actually fit without removing any sense of realism and dignity the series had going for it, this was just an atrocious idea from the get go and I can't believe it made it far enough into production to be FILMED! That is just ridiculous!

Especially seeing as being honest, most of these deleted scenes actually improve the film, they solve a lot of small plot holes that the film had and they're pretty quick scenes, they could easily have been left in the film and it wouldn't have affected the pacing or tone of the scenes of film overall, they might as well should have kept them in. But this Keep this thing as far away as possible, because this scene could have easily ruined this franchise permanently.


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