Monday 22 September 2014

What Will 2014 Mean to Me?

So for some reason I've kinda been in a reflecting stage recently, most likely because I'm at university now, yeah, that's a big change in my life, in a new city, meeting new people and having to take care of myself, it's a big deal for me and I'll talk more about it tomorrow; but for now, I've started reflecting back on 2014 a little early and I feel like talking about it, so, let's talk about it. So when I think back to 2014 I feel like what I'm going to remember more than anything is the summer of this year, which is probably the second best summer of my life. In case you're wondering the best summer of my life was 2012, that was my Stand By Me summer, the one where you go for long walks with your friends, talk about life and learn things about each other and yourselves that you never had before, everyone has a summer like that and that was mine. But this summer was my first actual "adult" summer, seeing as I'm 18 now and so are all my friends we can actually do adult things, we can go to pubs and clubs and several of us can drive (don't worry, we don't drink & drive, we're still responsible) it's a big time for all of us and really we wanted to make this summer mean more than any other summer we've had because while we are adults this is the last chance to make "childhood" memories, because after this we have to start acting like adults.

And we did a lot this summer, we went camping, went to MCM Comic-con, went to festivals & concerts, and a lot of those events involved alcohol, but we also kept the classic summer activities and bonded and friendships grew stronger and talked about all that emotional crap which friends do and I enjoyed all of it. But honestly my favourite summer activity that we didn't really get to do this much is just hang out, go for walks and talk about life, whether it be personal or just any ol' crap in life, that's where the memories really go and yeah we got some but not as much as 2012, hence why that's still my favourite summer. But above all else what I realised most from this summer is that I want to be a proper adult already, and I know people always say enjoy your youth but honestly i'm at that point where I think I'm ready to start a proper life, I want me and my friends to be able to hangout at my place without asking permission and be able to stay there until 2am without question, I want to have a real job and be able to support myself, yeah the job may suck but atleast I'll have a home that is 100% my home. I mean don't get me wrong I'm very happy with my family life but I think i'm ready to move on from that already.

But apart from that this has been a pretty busy year so far, I went to New York for the first time in my life and that was fucking awesome, it's even more impressive considering I-do-not-like-cities. I don't, I'm a village boy and I love the village, it's nice & quiet, everyone you know is within walking distance and there's nothing better than being awake at 3am and you get that silence that you can't get in a city. But New York I felt was a great town and I'd love to go back there again, and again, and again. But preferably not when it's snowing...fuck NY snow. I also finished college, 3 years of my life all for a few A-Levels and now I'm at university, the final stage of my education, after this I am officially an adult, I'm entering that stage of my life and that is daunting and exciting and even after all of this, the year still isn't over yet.

My life at uni has literally just begun, hell I haven't even started classes yet, all i've done is move in to my accommodation. For all I know my life could completely change here and when I go home i'll be a completely different person...or nothing could change and when I go home this christmas i'll be the same person I am right now, who knows? Being honest I'm not one of those people that thinks life is going to be absolutely different from here on out, like all my friends that are going to university as well have been like that, my best friend saying how this is a new stage in our lives and I just felt like saying "...dude i'll see you in like a month" I mean I can understand the sentiment and I am going to miss all my friends but at the same time those are my roots, that area and those people are who made me what I am today and I don't think all of that is going to be undone in just a little bit of time away, then again my best friend has been at uni for a week and he's already getting drunk, something he never did back home, so for all I know i've just got my foot in my mouth, we'll find out in the following months. After all...winter is coming...well...technically autumn is coming first but after that...winter is coming.


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