Monday 8 September 2014

Is Swearing Cheating?

I like to watch a lot of comedies and a lot of comedians, and there are a fair few that never or rarely swear even though it's unlikely any kids will be watching, and i've heard a number of them say that the reason why they don't swear is because they find it as a form of cheating, as if swearing is just an easy way to get a laugh, this is something that I can respect because they feel like they don't want just cheap laughs but at the same time I kinda disagree with it. A good joke can all come down to how you word it, and some words are just funnier than others, for example "Glockenspiel", yes that is an actual English word and it is fucking hilarious, it is impossible to use the word glockenspiel in a serious manor, in fact trying to say it seriously just makes it funnier, try saying glockenspiel in a serious tone, it's just not possible. And it's the same with swear words, sometimes a well used swear is funny as hell, but that's the key, how & who uses the swear can make or break the joke. In something such as The Hangover they swear all the time, like every 5th syllable is a swear word, it's just not funny any more. But if you see a little kid use the word "shit" without even knowing what it means you're obviously gonna giggle at that, because you don't expect it and the context in which it is being used is a funny scenario. An example of a curse used right is in X-Men First Class, when Charles & Erik meet Logan and the only thing he says to them is "Go fuck yourselves" now this made everyone in the theatre laugh for several reasons, one: it's the only thing he says in the movie, two: you don't expect it and three: he's the only person to swear in the entire movie and they used it perfectly. But then again, sometimes censoring a swear is even funnier, like in the Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged series (awesome show by the way). In the clip below, the fact that we have no idea what he's saying but just knowing that he's swearing is funny, plus hearing that beeping noise over and over again also adds to the comedy, a funny sound effect is always great, but a looped sound effect is even better.

So to wrap this up, no, swearing is not a form of cheating, it's just a fact that some words are funnier than others, it all comes down to how they're used, and if you disagree then you can go ************************************* with a pelican.


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