Tuesday 24 March 2015

The Flash Makes Arrow Suffer

You probably figured out by now that i'm a big fan of both Arrow and The Flash, hence why I review them every week. You may also have noticed that there was a big gap in quality last week between shows, The Flash had an excellent episode while Arrow had a really bad episode, and i've joked about this before how it seems that if one show has a really good episode one week, the other will have a very meh episode. But i think it's more than that, because overall, Flash has been an excellent show and i highly recommend it to everyone, even the people who don't watch Arrow I say watch Flash because it's really good. Arrow on the otherhand, the quality really has dipped this season, and to be fair this show has always been a hit or miss series, but overall i still recommend it, this is the first season to make me question my loyalty to it. And I realised, the big difference here is that even though the two shows are supposed to support each other, in reality they're making each other suffer. When Arrow first started, the creative team had to try really hard to get people to like it, Green Arrow wasn't as popular as Superman or Batman and the last CW show to have a DC Hero left such a bad taste that no one was sure if it was going to work, so they worked their butts off to make it good, and it was great.

And because they did so well, they were greenlit for a spin-off series about The Flash, and while it would be easier this time as now they have both Arrow fans and Flash fans tuning in, they knew it would still be a lot of work, and at the same time they still had Arrow to work on. So that's two shows that would need a lot of attention, the problem is, even though there a talented bunch working on both shows, it's clear that they've been dedicating more time to Flash to try and make it work. And again, it paid off, it's a huge hit, but at the same time, Arrow has been suffering for it because they've had less focus. My guess is that next season when Flash firmly has its feet on the ground things'll get better for Arrow (Maybe a little bit worse for Flash) but as of now, man, they need a better balance for both shows...Oh except next year they will have Supergirl and a team-up series to work on as well...fuck.


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