Monday 16 March 2015

My Favourite Characters - Dr Cox

There are a lot of things to love about Scrubs, its characters, its witty writing, its emotional impact, its memorable moments, but i don't think there is anything to love more about it than Dr Perry Cox. Dr Cox is a man of medicine, he's also a man who hates almost everything on the planet, everything annoys him, he's cynical to almost everyone he meets, is incredibly sarcastic and also very aggressive. He's also more than willing to make himself look like a complete fool, just as long as you look like an even bigger fool. He has the biggest ego on the planet and is incredibly self-obsessed and also very impatient...and I love every single aspect of him. The thing that makes his inflated ego so entertaining is that he has earned it, he's a fantastic doctor, he's incredibly hilarious and is good at almost everything he does, he never pretends to be modest about it because he doesn't need to be, he takes all the praise because he's earned it dammit. And I've honestly never seen a character like him, he's like Bugs Bunny mixed with Louis CK mixed with Chandler Bing mixed with Gaston...on Crystal Meth. His comedy is gold, i don't think any of his jokes fall flat and it's all because of the deliver, he works well off of everyone and he always has the last laugh (I would kill to see an argument between him and Dr House).

But this isn't to say he's cynical to everyone, he knows when to actually give a damn, like i said, he is the best damn doctor in the world because he does care, he does try as hard as he can to help save people, yeah he can't win them all and he knows that, but even after all these years he still cares and wants to help people, even if he hates everyone around him. But it's in those moments when he loses when he becomes more of a complex character, when a loss does hit him, like his best friend dying or being responsible for three people's deaths or whenever he talks about his family growing up. He hates the world because the world seems to hate him, so even though he won't admit it when someone does mean something to him, he always has his own ways of showing it, like actually referring to you by your real name rather than a demeaning nickname he gave you.

He's one of the most entertaining characters that has ever graced our television and he's also one of the most emotionally engaging, he's uniquely charming in his own douchey kind of way, he's the king of the jerks, it's Dr Cox.


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