Thursday 19 March 2015

Arrow "The Offer" Review

Don't expect something indepth in this review here because what we have here is about 40 minutes wasted, what happened in this episode? Well Oliver and Arsenal went to go fight crime again. Oliver complained that Laurel needed more training, again. Thea complaining about Malcolm, again! Laurel complaining about Malcolm, Again! And Oliver woefully in love with Felicity AGAIN!

Whatever, here's what happens, we spend 30 minutes moping and complaining with about 10 minutes of actual plot development. Ollie is given the offer to take the place of Ra's Al Ghul, considers it, rejects it, Ra's frames the Arrow for several murders. Apart from that, Roy & Thea get back together (Didn't even realise they were apart) and in flashback-land it appears Shado is still alive. Oh and Laurel is now going to be trained by Nyssa (£20 says they become lesbians and it'll be just as forced as every other romance).

This episode sucks. Looking back I realise i have been really lenient on the bad episodes of this season because i like the show, i just assume it was in a slump but it'll pick itself up eventually. This episode is my breaking point, i'm sick of the same melodramatic bullshit we've had to put up all season, except all the other episodes atleast had something good about them, or progressed the story a fair amount, this episode was 90% bullshit with 10% progression. So let's get into the badness that is The Offer, and where better to start than with...the offer.

Ollie is given the opportunity to take over the League of Assassins, and that means he has full control, if he wills it so they don't kill, they won't kill. He even points out that really in the 3 year he's been The Arrow he really hasn't made all that much of a difference, and has he forgotten that if it wasn't for the league then Slade would have won in the season 2 finale!? Fact is there are so many arguments to be made for him joining, he can make a difference worldwide rather than just in Starling City and this time he'll have an army by his side plus immortality, and what happens? He rejects the offer...WHY!? That's really all I have to say about this episode, why the fuck would Ollie not take the offer of controlling the league, what are the negative consequences of that!?

Of course my favourite characters of the show, the only ones not making stupid-ass decisions (Probably because they're not given enough screentime) Roy, Diggle & Lance of course have very little to do in the episode apart from lecture everyone else on how stupid they're being. I mean Roy doesn't lecture, he just acts as a shoulder to cry on, but still counting it. But do you know what would be even better? If their lectures had a point. Every week they have to tell the others when they're doing something stupid, and the fact that they constantly have to give those lectures means that clearly it's not working, guys, the point to these big speeches is so that the characters will grow and learn from it. Lance yelling at Laurel to stop being a bitch only works if at somepoint she stops being a bitch.

Also few smaller things to touch on, Shado is back: God i don't care, even though she was shot in the fucking head she's of course okay, hell, very few people die on the island i'm starting to think it's the safest possible location. Olicity is back on? Fuck off. Fuck right off and never come back. We are done with this shit, please for the love of god just die.

I'm done giving this show a pass whenever it's bad, assuming it's just going to build up to something great, but we're really not seeing it. I still obviously really like the show and i'm not giving up on it yet, but i'm not holding back anymore.

The Offer gets a 2/10.


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