Wednesday 12 November 2014

Ubisoft: Let's Talk.

I'm not normally one to bash on Triple A games, mostly because my favourite games are Triple A games. But there are plenty of things about that genre that I really, really hate, and every single one of them can be found in Assassin's Creed Unity. Now I am in general not a fan of Assassin's Creed, I played through the first game, thought it was really boring, never played the sequels. And now, with the release of Assassin's Creed Unity, reports are coming in that it had every problems that the worst of triple A games have to offer. First of all, the story, okay look Ubisoft, I know that gameplay is more important than a story but who's to say you can't have both? You can have great gameplay and a great story, maybe if you put some goddamn effort into it instead of repeating the same boring ass shit every single game, you'd actually make some progress. Reviews have all said that this is the same story told in the previous AC games with almost nothing different, just that it is set in France this time around.

Then there are all the glitches and bugs within the game, which people have defended by saying there's probably going to be a day one patch to fix this...I don't understand how people can defend this, because a good game shouldn't need a fucking patch to begin with! Do you know what a day one patch means? It means that Ubisoft got so greedy and impatient that they didn't even bother to polish the game properly before release, a good company would actually make sure it's fully clean before shipping it off in broken condition and promising to fix it later. And why? So they can make it to the Christmas shopping season, dude, you're fucking Assassin's Creed! You're going to make millions no what time you get released!

And then there is the! Now i've made a post in the past defending DLC, I think it can add a lot to the story and actually provide a better experience. But here, Ubisoft has released about 50 different versions of the game and you get certain DLC depending what store you buy it from, meaning if you wanted the full experience then you have to buy about 50 different versions of the goddamn game. What makes it even worse is that it's all bullshit stuff that doesn't matter and you don't need, i don't give a damn about a couple of extra costumes, why are you charging an extra £7 for it!?

And finally, there the biggest nail in the hoarding coffin is the fact that this is a franchise that has been run into the ground, brought back to life and then buried yet again. This is a franchise that has seven titles to it's name, seven fucking titles! And they already announced the eight one before Unity had even been released! This is a franchise that has been whorded out unessecarily, and you know why it's unessecary? Because the main story ended with AC 3, you know, when the main character of the series (Spoilers) dies and his story is complete...Well if that's true THEN WHY ARE THERE EIGHT FUCKING GAMES IN THIS FRANCHISE!? And lord knows that they're not going to stop at eight, they're going to milk this thing for all it's worth, because respecting your games or audience? No that's not what the "cool kids" do, sure, go ahead and sit with EA at the cool kids table Ubisoft, because soon, people will see you for the big piece of shit that you are. Fuck you Ubisoft. Fuck You.


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