Monday 10 November 2014

Does IGN Matter?

The same problem here as yesterday, people see a company discuss objective things and they assume that it must be an official fact, meaning if they don't like a game you like or if they give a positive rating to a game you hate then people get angrier than ever before, because they assume it's the official review because it's from a company. And again, that's not true. If anything, this should tell you how broken of a system this is, each review is by a different person meaning it's different opinions, meaning there's no damn consistency, one game could get a great review and one the exact same could get a horrible one, if people don't know what to expect then how can they know whether or not to take your reviews seriously when they don't know if it's the type of thing that that individual person enjoys, after all, clearly someone at IGN likes that type of game, it doesn't make any sense. And then there is the controversy on whether or not IGN reviews are paid off; the reason why people think this is because games like Call of Duty: Ghosts, a game that any gamer with a brain can tell you is not a good game, will get a positive review from IGN. I don't know if this is because the particular reviewer is a moron or if they were indeed paid off, but it kind of backs up my point in which people can't take this style of reviewing seriously, because who knows if it's a legitimate review of not? So, in the end, no, IGN does not matter at all, except for Greg Miller, that dude's cool.


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