Wednesday 7 October 2015

The Flash "The Man Who Saved Central City" Review

Finally, fucking finally The Flash is back! Ohhh boy have I been waiting to talk about this! In the second season premiere of Flash we start off six months after the singularity and see all of the results and consequences of said disaster, the city was saved and The Flash is being rewarded the key to the city but Barry doesn't think he deserves it. Meanwhile a brand new villain the Atom Smasher has shown his face to try and kill Flash as he was instructed by the big villain of this season Zoom.

*Spoilers Ahead*

So let's talk about Barry, like i said he doesn't believe he has earned the key to the city, which is not only humble of him but kind of right, the day of the singularity both Eddie and Ronnie died saving the city, Eddie killed the Reverse Flash and Ronnie destroyed the singularity, it's understandable why Barry would feel he hasn't earnt a reward when two of his friends aren't even going to get recognition for this. Also because of two of his friends dying in the same day he's disbanded Team Flash at the risk of endangering other people, but i'll get to them soon. Something else that I like about where Barry is in this episode is that he's helping rebuild all the buildings that were destroyed during the singularity, which i think is a nice touch because that's something a hero should probably be doing when you know, he's not fighting meta-humans. Just saying, we don't often see Green Lantern help rebuild small businesses after he saves the day.

The next character who i found rather fascinating in this episode is Caitlin. The reason why I say that is because at the start of the first season she was in the exact same state she is now, Ronnie having died. Something i noticed when rewatching the first season is that she was a real stick in the mud for the first few episodes, the wet blanket ruining everyone else's fun. Here she isn't as closed off but she's still clearly hurt and i would even say exhausted from being upset but is still trying to put on a smile, the fact that she has a different reaction in the exact same scenario shows how much she's changed as a character and gone through actual development this past year, it's a small change but i like that.

As for Cisco, not a whole lot has changed for him, he now officially works for the CCPD as a science officer...but that's kinda it, he's still the same old Cisco from before, though to be fair I wouldn't have him any other way. Then Iris shows up, who surprisingly after rewatching all of last season again...I hate her more than ever. Even to the point where everytime she showed up on screen she just put me in a bad mood. Seriously, why is she part of Team Flash? She doesn't do anything! Finally is Joe, who is still pretty much awesome in every way, we get a quick flashback of him taking care of a young Barry and some scenes of him and Flash working together to beat Atom Smasher, basically I love Joe, never change.

A major plot point that was resolved in this episode was Henry finally getting released from prison, Harrison Wells (Great seeing Tom Cavanagh by the way) left a confession to Nora's murder and Henry finally got released (And probably with a really sweet apology cheque too). But then they make a weird choice in having him leave Central City...why? He says it's because Central City needs The Flash, not Henry Allen's son but...yeah i don't buy it. Why would he leave the city? Why would he leave this soon after getting out of jail. You can finally spend quality time with your son without a prison guard looking over your shoulder and you're leaving this quick? I call bullshit, this seems like the writers' lazy way to get him out of the show.

Then the final note, the big cliffhanger of the episode, Jay Garrick shows up at Star Labs, i was a little sad that he didn't do much in this episode, but i just really want to see Barry and Jay interact with each other properly. Overall this episode was a good re-introduction to the show, finding out where the characters are now and tying up some loose ends from season one but only giving us the minimal amount needed for set-ups for season two. I'm giving this episode an 8/10.


-Jay Garrick

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