Thursday 29 October 2015

The Flash "The Fury of Firestorm" Review

KING SHARK! Sorry, sorry, let me compose myself...KING SHARK!!!! Okay, i'll get to that in a bit, for now, let's talk about this episode. In this episode Professor Stein's health is deteriorating fast and they need to find a replacement for Ronnie and find two candidates, Henry Hewitt and Jefferson Jackson. Henry turns out to be quite aggressive with his new powers thus Jefferson turns out to be the best candidate.

Now I will say to start off I like Jefferson "Jacks" character, the way they introduced him I thought was well handled, showing his backstory and even having him being a bit heroic before getting powers, warning everyone, helping his friend up, trying to close the doors, all subtle hints at his naturally heroic nature. With that being said, was his character arc in this episode cliched and predictable? Yes, and there were points where it felt like even the writers didn't want to write some of these scenes because they knew they were just filling time. As for Henry I found his initial excitement for being Firestorm and his interactions with Stein entertaining, the fact that he switches from nice to angry within a millisecond is where I have issues, and how convenient that they didn't notice he had a criminal record, also convenient that he knew where Caitlin was, by the way why was he going after Caitlin anyway?

Then there was Iris' Subplot, two episodes in a row where i don't hate Iris, this is one hell of a winning streak. She meets with her mother and straight up disavows her and for perfectly understandable reasons, you abandon someone for 20 years, they have no obligation to even try and fix things up with you. Also that shot of her mother trying to shake her hand but Iris keeps her hands tight was a very clever shot and just from that you instantly get where they stand with each other. But more than that, with the revelation that she's dying, Iris does some digging and finds out she has a brother (Nice set up for Wally West) that her mother is still keeping secret, Iris completely shuts her out, she doesn't care if she's dying, she hasn't done a damn thing to earn her daughters time and even now is still lying to them. Not only do i completely side with Iris here, but I actually prefered her story over the main plot of the episode, good god, it's like the writers actually listened to me.

Oh yeah, there was something else that I wanted to talk abou-KING SHAAAAAAAAARK!!!! I don't really know why i'm getting so excited, really i don't care about the King Shark character, but just the insanity of him showing up is enough to get me excited. At first I thought he was just a cute reference for the comic fans but when he actually showed up on screen i nearly squealed! We are at that stage where a giant humanoid shark can appear on television and not have it be the worst thing ever, god i fucking love this show! Also this leads to the biggest cliffhanger so far this season, Barry and Patty are saved from King Shark by...Harrison Wells!? Dun DUN DUUUUUUUUUN...whoa this is heavy.

Overall while the A-Plot was just kinda serviceable, the B-Plot is where this episode shined with its dramatic storytelling and, oh yeah, King-Motherfucking-Shark! 7/10.


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