Friday 30 October 2015

Arrow "Beyond Redemption" Review

Captain Lance for the longest time has been my favourite character because he was always justified in his actions, this season had set up that he was working for the bad guys which is not something i was a fan of, surprisingly this episode actually brought that around and gosh dang he's still my favourite character. In this episode we see Team Arrow take on a group of rogue cops who are taking the law into their own hands, Captain Lance teams up with the Arrow gang so they can take them down.

So the way they handled Lance's involvement with Darhk i thought was well done, initially he teamed up with him without realising who he was and by the time he caught on it was too late to back out, i like that. But more than that, the conversation between him and Oliver about their equally corrupt mortality, Lance has never trusted Oliver becomes he sees him as morally corrupt, someone who can behave irrationally and with the arrogance to take the law into his own hands...and Oliver agrees, but he's always trusted and liked Lance because he viewed him as morally incorruptable, a good cop in a bad city, someone that Oliver would want to be and looks up to. And while Lance isn't happy about his recent actions, he acknowledges that they are mistakes and is going to try and better himself and redeem himself by going undercover and spy on Darhk...oh god they're gonna kill Lance aren't they!? Also continuing to prove that Paul Blackthorne is the best actor on the show, when he goes to put down his daughter after seeing the vicious animal she's become, it was heartbreaking. By the way, Laurel actually telling her dad about Sara and not being stupid enough to keep that secret again, hey at least the writers are learning from past mistakes.

But with that being said we still have a fair amount of stupid to talk about, let's start with the cops, more specifically the lead cop Liza Warner played by the chick from True Blood (At least she's getting work). What's my problem with her? She's an idiot. She constantly goes on about how she's not the bad guy in this situation and is not a criminal, look, the best villains are the ones that don't realise what they're doing is wrong, but this woman steals, threatens, murders innocent people and takes the law into her own hand, in what court room would she not be convicted within 10 minutes? Also the Oliver running for Mayor storyline is still dumb, but they acknowledge that it's dumb which does give us a pretty funny scene, but you know what's better than making fun of your dumb storyline? Not having the dumb storyline at all!

So while there is plenty of dumb to go around in this episode, its saving grace is Captain Lance and especially the scenes between him and Oliver. 8/10.


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