Monday 19 October 2015

Doctor Who "The Girl Who Died" Review

*Spoiler Alert*
So as soon as i say I won't be reviewing Doctor Who weekly anymore they go and air an episode like this. Though technically a two parter this was a pretty self-contained story, just Maisie Williams being a continuing character. This is The Girl Who Died, The Doctor & Clara are captured by Vikings who then accidentally start a war with an alien race, The Doctor helps the Vikings into victory but Ashildr played by Maisie Williams is killed in the battle. The Doctor then breaks the rules to bring her back to life and they're on their merry way...with a slight side effect of her being immortal.

So why is it that i couldn't wait to review this episode? Well even though i do really enjoy Peter Capaldi as The Doctor, this is the first time i've ever felt like he's truly 100% been The Doctor. The Doctor knows the rules and he often follows them, but he's also emotional and heroic, he follows the rules when it's convenient for him, but when it puts someone he can protect in danger, he says screw the rules I'm a genius. Or as The Doctor puts it "I'm The Doctor! And I save people!" is it blunt? Of course it is, it's the perfect way to deliver that type of message, The Doctor would be as blunt as possible and that is exactly what he would say. The amount of care, effort and change I saw Capaldi go through in this episode is the first time i've felt completely comfortable calling him The Doctor and it reminded me of why I love this character so very much. Also the callback to the conversation he had in his very first episode was perfect, Capaldi first appeared in Doctor Who back in 2008 with the episode "Fires of Pompeii" where The Doctor (David Tennant) broke the rules and saved lives. That's why he has this face, to remind him of who he is and who he always will be. He's The Doctor. And he saves people.

Maisie Williams was also really good in the episode, I was slightly worried because having her in a middle-ages setting is really damn similar to Game of Thrones but i never saw Arya in her performance. Granted I was still aware i was watching Maisie perform but she still did a good job in it and i'm excited to see her in more episodes. The best scene with her was also the most subtle performance in the final shot where it shows the passage of time in one of the most unique ways i've ever seen, the change in her expression going from happy to sad to cold in one shot was devisistatingly beautiful.

As for the story of the episode, i don't care. Don't get me wrong it was really good, had a good supporting cast and was funny yet also poignant with the baby but like The Doctor would say, that's not the important part. What I care about is The Doctor and how he was represented here in one of the best episodes in years, that's why I'm giving it a 10/10.


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