Thursday 22 October 2015

Arrow "Restoration" Review

So we have the new Arrow...ehh i don't really care. Don't get me wrong there was nothing bad about this episode or even this season in general (So far) but man, i just don't get excited about this show anymore. In this episode we see Oliver and Diggle forced to sit down and talk about their problems with each other. Meanwhile on the otherside of the world, Laurel and Thea try to fix their problems, bringing Sara back from the dead and stopping Thea's homicidal tendancies...i think these girls have the bigger issues, why are they a B-Plot?

So really there isn't that much to say, Diggle and Oliver's beef is fixed in this episode and they get some good banter, Felicity is really fun especially with the way she treats OTA (Original Team Arrow) and acts almost like an annoyed mother at the two of them fighting as well as all of her stuff with Mr Terrific (I know that's not his name yet but it's what i'm calling him). I will say this season already has one massive improvement over last season, the pacing is so much better. Last year they would have dragged out the Diggle and Oliver rivalry for like 13 episodes, they got it done with here in 3 and that makes me happy.

Thea got some more development on her story, her thirst for blood has been quenched temporarily but it'll be back and supposedly will never go away, by the way, good seeing John Barrowman again, i love that guy, and that sparring scene between him and Nyssa was awesome. But Laurel on the other hand seems to have reverted back to season two Laurel by ignoring everything everyone says, by which they try so desperately to get across the point "THIS IS A BAD IDEA!". Seriously Laurel, i understand wanting to bring your sister back from the dead but considering Merlyn & Nyssa both agree it's a bad idea, and you know what, Oliver, Diggle, Felicity & Captain Lance would probably agree as well. She chooses to revive her anyway, and surprise! It turns out to be a bad idea. Dammit Laurel, you were on just a good streak of not sucking. Oh and then it ends with Nyssa destroying the Lazarus Pit, because you know, having a cure for death kinda ruins the tension in your show.

I don't really have any strong opinions on this episode, most of it was fine except the Laurel stuff was really dumb, but hey, it'll be nice to have Sara back. 7/10.


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