Tuesday 21 July 2015

The Good Dinosaur & Spectre Trailer Review

Don't really have much to say about these two seperately, but together i have...enough. The Good Dinosaur is the new Pixar film (Yes, we get two this year, woohoo!) based around a young Apatosaurus named Arlo who teams up with a cave boy named Spot as the two travel together to get back home. So it's a boy and his dog type story except this time the animal is the boy and the human is the dog...interesting. Now the big thing to say about this trailer is OH MY GOD it looks beautiful, i am constantly blown away by how good Pixar movies look but seriously, that shot of the lizard looked real to me! Also this movie looks like it's bringing the feels, hell, the trailer brought the feels. The Good Dinosaur will be released 25th November 2015 in America and 27th November here in England.

And then there's Spectre, the new James Bond film, a franchise i haven't seen any of except for the Daniel Craig films, I know that Spectre is a big part of the James Bond franchise and a lot of people are excited to see them return but i don't really care. Skyfall was a really good movie, this film has an excellent cast, especially Christoph Waltz and Dave Bautista as the villains and it seems to be a return to classic Bond silliness. As for a specific plot or character relationships we got very little, but still i prefer it that way. Spectre is to be released 6th November 2015 for the US and 7th October 2015 for the UK.


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