Friday 3 July 2015

Batman Arkham Knight: The Best Shitty Release

Don't you love misleading titles? I'm currently playing Batman: Arkham Knight and so far I am bloody loving it, already clocked in over 20 hours and still got plenty more to go. But it is strange how for a game that is so good, so enjoyable and so right in so many ways...did so much wrong, not in terms of content, but in terms of PR. Let's look at all the faults with this game before it was released: Get's it's release date pushed back twice, that's not a good sign. Day One DLC, that's always shitty. Offering free DLC when pre-ordered, also shitty. Different DLC when ordering from different retailers, that's just cruel. Persistent on a season pass, really obnoxious. Over saturation of trailers, you risk spoiling the game guys. Horrible PC port due to outsourcing the game, way to fucking screw it up fellas.

Those are seven strikes against this game, seven examples of the corrupt, greedy and uncaring nature of gaming companies, especially the marketing teams. Yet very few people seem to be focusing on any of these, well, except the PC port (See Angry Joe for that). Why? Because it's a good fucking game, the story is excellent, the visuals are stunning, the gameplay is magnificent, you know, the stuff that actually matters. But it's important to take note whenever a game does shitty business practises like this, because if we discriminate against when it is and isn't a bad thing then gaming companies are never going to change. No it's not going to affect my enjoyment of the game, but it does mean you lose trust and because i can see through your shitty business schemes, i'm not going to buy a single piece of your DLC...not that it matters to you cause you're going to make millions off of this game. Wow i'm so conflicted, on one hand i don't want to support this game because of the shitty decisions that came with it, but on the other's the mother-fucking Batman! And it's so good!


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