Thursday 16 July 2015

Should The Doctor Ever Be A Woman?

When it was announced that Matt Smith was retiring from Doctor Who, one of the big debates on who should replace him was whether or not The Doctor should be played by a woman. Basically, here's how it goes, technically speaking, yes, The Doctor can be a woman. The Doctor can regenerate into any race, gender, species in existence, yet somehow The Doctor has regenerated 13 times and still comes out a white male (Age varies and sexuality up for debate). So we know that they could, but then there's the topic of whether or not they should. I asked my dad about this and he said no, because that's just the way The Doctor is, this is how they've chosen to portray this character for so long, it's not a choice anymore. Which is a fair enough point, but at the same time, there aren't really any character traits that have The Doctor tied down to any gender, each actor has played the character differently, some are more childish, some more aggressive, some confident, some clumsy, some are ladies men, others couldn't care less. The only traits that carry over from Doctor to Doctor is that he is very smart and very brave. I've said this before but to me, The Doctor is everything, The Doctor is whatever you need him to be, he can be your relatable hero, he can be your god, he could be admired and he can be feared, and if the time comes where what we need him to be is to be a her, then why the hell not? As long as they get a good actress who can talk 100 words per minute, make scientific jargon sound like gibberish and can walk into a room and instantly own the place, then that's The Doctor to me.

Honestly I started this piece expecting to say "no, and here's why" but i ended up convincing myself on why it would work. Damn I'm good, or just very suggestible, either way.


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