Sunday 12 July 2015

Comic-Con 2015: DC TV Universe News

ArrowDC is still killing it at Comic-Con, now we have some new TV news to discuss. Let's take this show by show. Firstly with Arrow we have a new suit, which hopefully means he will finally be called Green Arrow. The suit itself looks cool, it looks more like armour than the old uniform and closer to the Arrow uniform in the comics. Then we have casting news, Neal McDonough is officially Damien Darhk...I have no opinion on this, he's a good actor, i know nothing about Damien Darhk. Two more characters who are confirmed but have not been cast yet (Who I also know little about), is the villain of Anarky and Mr Terrific, who will be be partnering up with Felicity. Marc Guggenheim has also confirmed he "happens to be gay" which I imagine the main reason they decided that is so people would stop shipping Felicity with every damn male character.

Then we have Flash, plenty of news we can talk about here. The first and biggest news is Teddy Sears will be playing Jay Garrick, aka, the original Flash. I'm very excited about this, mostly just the idea of another Flash being in the show, even though Jay Garrick is my least favourite of the Flashes, still a good character, but compared to Wally West or Bart Allen, i'd prefer it if Barry teamed up with one of them. This goes along with the announcement that the villain of season two will be Zoom, another speedster, so two speedsters going up against another speedster sounds awesome. Though I wonder what role Zoom will play, what made Eobard Thawne such an interesting villain was his personal connection to Barry, so i wonder what role Zoom will play. Then finally there is Shantel VanSanten as Patty, Joe's new partner at the police department who is infatuated with Meta-Humans and has a huge crush on The Flash.

Finally, Supergirl has a new villain, Peter Facinelli has been cast as Maxwell Lord, a genius billionaire who blurs the line between hero and villain. It's too early to know if this is good for Supergirl or not because we still don't know enough about Supergirl to make a judgement call. What's the tone? What's the story? I dunno. But that also means i'm not against the casting which is a good thing.

So overall, it's been a good comic-con for DC for both movies and television, we got an awesome trailer and some new information for TV. Weird how we didn't get anything for Legends of Tomorrow seeing is porbably going to be it's only chance to appear at comic-con and it's a new show so it would need the publicity.


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