Friday 24 July 2015

Fuck You Cinime

As someone that goes to the cinemas very often, it has made me realise how fucking obnoxious some people could be, so if you are someone who: talks, brings a baby, claps, comes in a large group or insists in sitting exactly where the ticket says making other people move despite there being multiple free seats around you (seriously, who does that!?) but the worst thing without a single doubt is PHONES. It doesn't matter how dim you put the light, what angle you position it, how quickly you use it, if you get your phone out in the middle of a dark theatre, everyone can see it. Every. Damn. Time. Now I don't have a problem if you keep your phone on as long as it's in your pocket and on vibrate, but if you're getting it out to text, check the time or anything that's not an emergency, you deserve to have a pirahna shoved down your pants, you cunt.

That brings me to Cinime...Whenever I go to the theatre, there is always an advert for an app that you can use to play along with the advert and you can win special prizes. Three things: One, your challenges are insanely easy, two, your adverts are obnoxiously long and Three, STOP ENCOURAGING PEOPLE TO GET OUT THEIR PHONES! I don't care if it's just an advert, i don't care if you remind then to turn it off afterwards, encouraging people at any point to get out their phones in the cinema is stupid! Because if they do it once then what's to stop them from doing it again? And Again? And Again!? So fuck your app, fuck your company and fuck your shitty adverts you piece of shit.


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