Wednesday 15 July 2015

Comic-Con 2015: Deadpool Leaked Trailer

Even though the Deadpool trailer is going to premiere in several weeks from now, it was a comic-con news story so time for me to talk about it. This Deadpool trailer provided everything needed for the character, Ryan Reynolds is perfectly portraying the character of Deadpool, though to be fair did anyone doubt he would be great in the role? The dialogue of course feels like classic Deadpool, it's vulgar, immature and mean spirited, i wouldn't have it any other way. I love the fact that the eyes move under the mask, it's something we haven't seen before in a comic book movie, in comic books, the eyes still move even under the mask, but obviously that wouldn't work in live action, but when your movie is going to be as silly as Deadpool, the moving eyes can still work. But then again, the whole costume is perfect, i don't know what it is but it's just the most perfect looking adaptation of a superheroes costume, when i look at it, i don't see this film's interpretation of the Deadpool outfit, i see Deadpool. However I have two issues with the trailer, the first one being the awkward tone at the start, almost as if the film is trying to take itself seriously, i mean i know it's pre-Deadpool but even still, it looks too serious for it's own good. Then there's T.J. Miller, who I like as an actor and a comedian, but his sequence in the trailer follows one of the most annoying cliches in modern comedies, multiple punch-lines. He sees Deadpool's face without the mask and they make several jokes about what his face looks like, so many shows and movies these days do it and it annoys the shit out of me, just pick one punch-line and use that, using several at once is unnatural, repetitive and annoying. So those were my opinions on the Deadpool trailer, i very much look forward to this film, being released 12th February 2016 in the US and 5th February 2016 in the UK (Fuck yeah!)

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