Thursday 30 July 2015

The 33 - Trailer Review

The story of the 33 Chilean Miners stuck underground was one of the biggest stories of the year back in 2010, it was also one that thankfully had a happy ending. Shortly after the event, there was news of a movie in production based on the events and i laughed and thought "yeah, that'll happen". 5 years later, here we are, and i've got to say, it looks pretty damn incredible. I myself am a sucker for true stories with uplifting happy endings, as well as stories of brotherhood, solidarity, friendship, etc. This looks to be something right up my ally in that sense as the trailer shows us a lot of emotion from both aspects, the miners underground and the families above. Some people have been complaining that the trailer spoils the entire's based on a true story...from 5 years ago! Everyone knows this story, everyone knows how it ends, to complain that the trailer gives anything away is like saying it's a spoiler to tell you that the Titanic sinks, it's a known fact. Point is, this is a damn good trailer, it got me highly invested in seeing a movie that i initially mocked when it was first announced. The 33 comes out 13th November 2015 in the US with no UK release date officially given yet.


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