Wednesday 18 November 2015

The Flash "Gorilla Warfare" Review

So considering last weeks episode focused heavily on Zoom, there was no way you could get a villain of the week to even come close to challenging that...good thing they got Grodd. Actually being honest i don't see the big deal about Grodd, I mean he's cool in the comics and everything but as for the show right now he's just sorta a Gorilla who can think very simple sentences, that's it. Nevertheless, we have a new episode with Grodd, in this case Grodd has kidnapped Caitlin and is trying to force her to make him smarter, so with Barry still out of commission it's up to Harrison Wells to pretend to be The Reverse Flash in an attempt to save Caitlin and defeat Grodd.

I...kinda think I already said what I had to say about Grodd so I guess we'll just kinda skip over that. Really the emotional core to this episode was Barry's issues with his legs, first of all wow way to tease us with last weeks cliffhanger, "can't feel me legs" my arse. But yes most of this episode is about Barry getting his groove back, slowly healing so he can walk and eventually take on Grodd again. Oh, and his dad showed up, that's always nice to see but apart from that, this is sort of what I feared would happen, we'd have Barry being off for an episode until he's given a motivational speech and by the end he'd be back to where he was before, and that's the problem, he's back where he was before. He's not moving forward, he's just stopped himself from going backwards and I hate it when stories do that, they take something away from a character and their arc is just to get back where they were, it's pointless.

But it's not a total loss, we did get some nice character development for Harrison Wells, not only some great contrast between him and Earth 1's Harrison Wells, but also his relationship with Cisco and the team as he decides to stay on Earth 1 and the others don't instinctively hate him anymore, good times to be had all around. Also Hawkgirl, she finally got some better set up other than just...having the actress on screen. I'm aware she's in the crossover episode but i hope she gets some more focus and attention in the next episode as well. And we got a tiny reference to Wally West with Joe saying he wonders what it would be like to have a son of his own. Also on a final note to add (Because i'm really running dry here) the CGI was really good in this episode, particularly on Grodd.

That's...kinda all I got, it was a good episode if basic...that's it. 7/10.


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