Tuesday 17 November 2015

Supergirl "Livewire" Review

I'll be honest, i'm thinking about quitting reviewing Supergirl because i just can't bring myself to write about it anymore. While this episode in particular wasn't that bad, in fact i kinda liked it. The show is just so uninspiring, bland, safe, poorly written and yet it likes to pat itself on the back for having a female superhero despite the fact they're not doing anything interesting with her. I won't be reviewing the show next week anyway because Gravity Falls is back, but after that, i may not bother anyway, because it just really isn't in me. But with that being said, this is Livewire, a radio host who works for Cat and hates Supergirl gets powers and runs amok trying to kill both Cat and Supergirl.

So i've been fairly critical on the character of Cat for being, well, a bitch. Thankfully they gave her some pretty good development in this episode, learning more about her backstory and why she constantly gives people a hard time, because she genuinely believes they have the potential to do better. Also her not being a bitch to Kara/Supergirl and showing them some compassion for the first time. Too bad the villain still sucks, granted the way they talk about her sounds like there could have been an interesting backstory there, too bad we didn't get to see any of it.

Then there's James Girlfriend, i'm sure she has a name, but it doesn't matter, cause she doesn't need a name. This girl has been in two episodes and both times it's been for less than 1 minute of screen time, do you know why? Because this shows how lazy the writers are, they're not going to give her a character, they're not going to risk the audience growing attached or maybe taking her side, because she's not a character, she's a character's girlfriend, an obstacle to overcome, because you know what makes love triangles more interesting than they already are? Having one of the characters be as bland and shallow as possible.

Also, dafuq!? You have thanksgiving with your family and don't invite Clark Kent!? I know i've complained about this every week, but I complain because it's still a problem, every single episode at somepoint i ask myself "Why hasn't Superman shown up?" even in that one episode where he did show up it didn't seem like enough.

Yeah...that's all I got. I wasn't kidding when i said how uninspiring this show is, i just don't care. I don't care about the characters, the story, the action, anything. I so badly wanted to enjoy this show, I really did, but it is dull as all hell! Oh, and this episode gets a 7/10.


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